
Welcome to the Pricing page of Doggie Doo Diligence! Here you will find the prices for our professional pet waste removal services in Bucyrus, Ohio and surrounding areas. We offer a range of options to fit your needs, from one-time cleanups to weekly or bi-weekly cleans.

Product Price
One-Time Cleanup Starting at $50 Billed Upon Completion
Weekly Scoop Starting at $20/Clean - Billed Monthly
Bi-Weekly Scoop Starting at $32/Clean - Billed Monthly
Monthly Scoop Starting at $50/Clean - Billed Monthly
2x per Week Scoop Starting at $18.00/Clean - Billed Monthly
Commercial Cleaning Rates vary, contact us to discuss the details of the service.
Spring Cleaning Starting at $75 Billed Upon Completion - Varying discounts to be applied if a scooping subscription is requested & confirmed.

Ready to schedule a service?

Contact us today to book your pet waste removal service and keep your yard clean and fresh!